Archive | Affiliate Marketing

All-Access Pass Launch Event!

All-Access Pass Launch Event!

See how we're changing online business education in our new All-Access Pass here: Community-Powered Courses – that's what we're leading the charge on, and we hope to be an example to other course creators everywhere. Most of all, we've put together programming that includes access to our extensive course and workshop library, support from Team […]

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5 Tricks to Make Your Canva Presentation POP!

5 Tricks to Make Your Canva Presentation POP!

Here are 5 Canva presentation tips to help make your slide deck POP! Try Canva for free: 0:00 Intro 0:11 Blur Transition 4:03 Lightbox Effect 7:09 Timeline 9:21 Match & Move 11:39 Note on Presenter Mode If you'd like to see a more in depth tutorial about Canva and setting up a presentation fast, check […]

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