Who says you need money to market your business. That's one of the biggest myths in online marketing.
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Heck, online marketing is popular because it allows the little guy to compete with the large corporations without needing tons of cash.
Here's how you market your website when you have no money.
Step 1: Go to Quora and search for all of the questions that people have within your space and answer them. When it makes sense, link back out to your website. This is so effective that my Quora profile gets hundreds of thousands of views each month.
Step 2: Create content in different formats (text, video, audio) and promote them on the social web (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Quora). You can post the same content on multiple social sites as Google DOES NOT penalize for duplicate content.
When using this tactic make sure you only put part of your content on social media and make the readers click over back to your site to read the rest.
Step 3: Google for forums within your space and respond to questions. Within your forum response add a signature that lists your website. The better response you give the more traffic you will get.
That's how you market your website when you can't spend any money on marketing.
nice video Neil plzz even in future don’t stop this channel
I won’t. In the next few days I am launching neilpatel.com/videos/ which is where I will keep the videos (as well as YouTube).
Thats really nice.
Thank you!
Neil bring a video about affiliate marketing
I have one in the pipeline. Comes out within 45 days.
Great content and tips. It may look simple but when well executed, could result in avalanche of free traffic
Yes it works well… really well. If it didn’t I wouldn’t continue to use these tactics.
Neil, you give so much value for free. What can I do for you? -Anand.
Just let people know about the free marketing information that I put out
Neil, why did you decide to start a youtube channel?
I wanted to create videos. I taught it would be fun… which it is so far.
Hey Neil ,, I just started watching your videos and reading your blogpost a few couple of days ago. You are one valuable asset out there in the Business world.. A big thank you for sharing the best ways to succeed in marketing as a whole.
You are welcome!
Neil Patel Hey I am in my first year if B.Tech engg. I have just started a company with a group of 6. It’s called Mealrobs. http://www.mealrobs.com It’s an food ordering platform just in one city of Bhubaneswar so far. I would appreciate if you find a few minutes and check our website.
Much thanks,
Gaurang Padhi
You should change the URL structure and remove any extraneous characters. ($#?&!><,.[]{}) such as those.... it will help with crawling.
Neil Patel Thanks a lot sir. Will definitely implement this.
You are genius in explaining things within short time.

Thanks a lot
You just got a new regular follower of yours
You are welcome.
Neil. You’re the man!
Thanks Chris!
Great videos sir i started 2 blogs after a mont i published 110 post but this time the traffic is 40 or 30 etc linkbuilding is very hard and boring pleasse sugges me what i do so that i may suced bcz i do not wate my time on wrong way i hope you will advise me thanks
Still focus on links. You may not like it and it is hard, but it works.
Thanks but did not understand Link mean backlink??
This video will explain it
Amazing tips. Thanks for sharing.
I just had a question that Google tells that posting a link in a forum site is against Google webmaster guidelines. Will it be safe for me to post a signature link in forums?
You can… just nofollow the link and you will be fine.
No problem
Tools used: Quora, social media
Quora is great… I love it.
Great method, but can you add subtitle to your videos, English is not my native language so appreciate for this.
Hi my answers blocked. How ?
Blocked? How so?
Neil Patel I answered the right questions & mentioned my website which is the solution. So they blocked my answer
Thank you . This video appeared at exactly the right time. This is just the information that I need right now.
That’s great!
Man I LOVE THIS GUY!!! May God bless you 100 fold Neil!
Thank you, Teaira!! I appreciate the support
great video man! got it all cleared
Out of all of the videos that I’ve been watching of yours, I enjoy this one a lot because you don’t sound like your screaming. Love your content, keep up the good work!
Hey Neil I was surbscribed your channel. Expecting more and pretty info from you to grow my career in social media marketing.
You’re very welcome!
Well Neil:
But if we still have cost of heat count right? It is because one person cannot do all the things man. What did you think?
Not sure I understand your question fully, Jon. Once you get to a certain point, though, you will need to bring other people on board to help.
@Neil Patel Thanks for your reply. I mean even I dont spend on marketing then we still need to pay for someone to help to do the things that you mention above but your suggestion is definitely useful
Thanks again man