It's been a while since I've done an Ask Pat Anything, so let's do it! Everything excepet my credit card number is up for discussion, hehe!
If you're going to ask a question, please type QUESTION: before your question so I can easily find it in the chat. I won't be able to get to everyone, but I'll answer as many as possible today!
What's up Quaranteam! I'm here for you every day at 8am PT (11am ET) to answer your questions and provide something regular each day we can look forward to. It's especially important during these times when normal has kind of been thrown out the window.
For more support from my team during this time, try:
For a list of equipment that I use for these live streams, check out:
Welcome back to all of the regulars, and if you're new, it's nice to meet you!
As a reminder, all SuperChats will be donated at the end of the month, thank you for your support!
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple of podcasts that I personally host (with over 65 million combined downloads) that will help you on your online business journey:
The Smart Passive Income Podcast:
AskPat (these are real life business coaching calls):
Also, have you thought about starting your own podcast? Check out my famous podcasting tutorial here on YouTube, the #1 podcasting tutorial on the platform:
Also, follow me at these places below and say hi!
Personal site:
Use the hashtag #TheIncomeStream to keep the conversation going on social!
Also, join the Quaranteam on an Income Stream Specific Slack channel here:
Cheers, and as always, #teamflynnforthewin
Best Bit: (1:10:36) Pat shows behind-the-scenes peek at how he stays ahead of the game! Shows SPI podcast calendar & spreadsheet of pre-planned and advance-recorded episodes. AMP up: “Automate, Market, Profit” in answer to QUESTION: How have you systematized your podcast production? How do you organize your team and different roles to stay consistent? This can apply to any content production. Since Sundays are a day of rest, I’m only picking one Q & A to highlight today with a timestamp. Have a great day as you rest and reflect; stay well!
Thanks for logging the show @Grandma Goodie’s Bible Stories – I’m actually #TeamReplay for the whole show, but kept an ear/eye out for this tidbit. I also liked the vibe and feel of the Sunday show with the music – lots of little gems today – #TruthBombs and #WisdomSunday –
Pat I asking u when u going to shave? Thanks!