Archive | Blogging

The BEST Way to Grow Your Instagram With Neil Patel

The BEST Way to Grow Your Instagram With Neil Patel

What's the best way, if you want to build your followers, what do you think? Let's talk about Instagram. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ What's the best way to build your followers? Is it through those giveaways they're doing now, those swaps that you see, where, you know, just, if you follow these 99 […]

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The New Form of Content Marketing

The New Form of Content Marketing

We create hundreds if not thousands of articles of blog content, for what reason? Its because we want to surge traffic. But there must be a better way to get traffic than just cranking out thousands and thousands of articles. Today I'm going to break down the new form of content marketing. RESOURCES & LINKS: […]

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How to Get More SEO Traffic Even When You Can't Rank #1

How to Get More SEO Traffic Even When You Can’t Rank #1

Ranking number one on Google is tough. Wouldn't it be great if you could get more traffic than your competition from SEO even if you ranked lower than them? Today I'm going to teach you how to get more traffic than your competition when you rank lower than them. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ […]

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The Dumbest SEO Hack (That Works)

The Dumbest SEO Hack (That Works)

Wouldn't it be great if there was a dead simple SEO hack that would just help boost your rankings, but didn't require that much work. You don't have to be that technical. You don't have to build links. You don't have to worry about keywords and yet you can just increase your rankings, well there […]

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How to Create The Optimal SaaS Pricing Page

How to Create The Optimal SaaS Pricing Page

You're starting to sell products online specifically, software as a service or subscription based products. What kind of elements should you be putting in your pricing page? How should it look? How do you maximize your conversions? Today I'm going to break down the ideal SAAS pricing page. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ So […]

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How Many Keywords Should A Blog Post Contain? | The Right Way to Use Keywords in your Blog

How Many Keywords Should A Blog Post Contain? | The Right Way to Use Keywords in your Blog

You write a blog post and you want to get traffic from Google. But how many keywords should you place in your blog post? Today I'm going to break down how many keywords you should place within a blog post. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ The first thing I want you to do is […]

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A Dead Simple SEO Strategy That'll Generate 1 Million Visitors

A Dead Simple SEO Strategy That’ll Generate 1 Million Visitors

SEO is super competitive. Wouldn't it be nice if there was just a strategy that worked, and that wasn't as competitive, and didn't take as long to get results? Today, I'm going to break down a super, dead simple SEO strategy that can get you a million visitors a month. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Quora: […]

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