Content Marketing is Changing – This is Where it is Heading in 2020

Content Marketing is Changing – This is Where it is Heading in 2020 | Content marketing will keep being one of the strongest marketing channels in 2020. But it's going to be quite different from what you're seeing right now. Why? Because there's just a lot of blogs, there's over a billion blogs. So doing these old tactics won't work in 2020 anymore. Today I'm going to break down how content marketing is changing and this is where it's heading in 2020.

Alexa –
Google Home –
Quora –
Ubersuggest –

The first thing I want you to do is to optimize your site using structured markup.

That way you have a better chance of getting those rich snippets and that will help you with voice search because in 2020 over 50% of the searches according to Comscore will be voice-related. These devices like Alexa and Google Home are just getting more popular. Whether you like them or not, more people are using them.

You also want to use the header hierarchy to help Google crawl and decipher the important data and pages and content on your site. Now another interesting point, and this is from Search Engine Land, roughly 50% of the searches result in no click.

The next thing you need to do is make EAT a priority. EAT is all about expertise, authority and trust.

Google had a Medic Update a while ago. And what this Medic Update did was, they're like, "Hey, if you're Neil Patel, a marketing expert "and you blog about medical advice and surgeries "and what people should do to cure their health problems, that's not good."

Next, you'll see an increased personalization for audiences. Look, there's content on everything. Heck, even on the Neil Patel blog I have content on everything out there, from e-commerce to paid ads to analytics. There's so many areas that it doesn't interest everyone. You're going to see more personalization in content marketing and that's what you need to do. A good example of this is Neil Patel Blog.

This is one of my most clicked areas on my website. If you go on the Neil Patel Blog, you'll see a sentence that says, "I want to learn about" and you can click on the dropdown, whether it's email-commerce, SEO, content marketing, and all of the content adjusts based on what you want to learn about. That's really a simple, easy thing to do and by doing that you'll find that you'll get more engagement from your audience they'll stick around your site more, your bounce rate will go down, more people will keep coming back.

The next big trend, AI and machine learning will continue to take precedence. Google had this update called Blur in which it now understands when you type in "Brazilian citizen looking for US visa," it ends up telling them, "Hey, this is someone in Brazil and do they need a visa to go to the US?" Versus before, a lot of times Google would show results of someone saying, "Oh, US citizens don't need a visa to go to Brazil," right? So with their Blur algorithm update they're able to clearly identify what someone is really looking for, and they're adjusting the results based off of that.

So look up Quora and see what's popular in your space and that will give you ideas of some questions that you consider right and content on, and just nail it. It's not about having a 5,000 blog posts or about 2,OOO, it's all about having the best blog post that answers that question. You can also use Ubersuggest under the keyword ideas report, that shows all the questions that people are typing in within your space.

Again you want to answer all of those questions to the point because it'll help you get that traffic that your competitors don't have, because before Google would just rank high authority sites that didn't go as specific, but they're changing this. They want to rank the most relevant site even if they have less backlinks, less domain authority, because, why? That creates the best experience for our users. And last but not least, interactive content and imagery will take off.

So yeah, videos are already booming, podcasting is already booming, but what things they're doing that nobody's really talking about, check out my Instagram profile.

You'll see that I have content that's micro-content, that is broken down in bite-size educational pieces where you can keep swiping, like a carousel, and that'll give you like quick statements that will help you find the solution.

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18 Responses to Content Marketing is Changing – This is Where it is Heading in 2020

  1. Mohit Kumar January 4, 2020 at 3:01 pm #

    Wow so amazing and useful information. Thank you so much Neil.

  2. ElevationEveryWeekend January 4, 2020 at 3:06 pm #

    Telling truths Neil!!! Keep em coming!

  3. Abhijeet SDM January 4, 2020 at 3:14 pm #

    I watch your video first and then I received your notification later on 🙂 . true but weird

  4. westfield90 January 4, 2020 at 3:16 pm #

    You look exactly like my urologist. I first cringe but then calm down…lol

  5. Scientific Hindi January 4, 2020 at 3:20 pm #

    Please tell some link building tips for e-commerce stores?
    And please tell some more hacks like getting links from donation 🙂
    And please reply to the previous video comment also

  6. Tina Anne January 4, 2020 at 3:21 pm #

    Tip #3 is so brilliant but so simple! I love it.

  7. Gurdeep Sinngh January 4, 2020 at 3:22 pm #

    Thanks for a great upload Neil. Getting listed in snippets is great. Majority of the people won’t bother going down the result page to check out other sites for solutions. I believe that when writing a snippet answer, it should start with the sentence containing words and phrases matching with those contained on the question.

  8. Secret Facts January 4, 2020 at 3:25 pm #

    ﺍَﻟﺼَّﻠﻮٰﺓُﻭَﺍلسَّلاﻡُﻋَﻠَﻴْﻚ یاسیدیَ ﻳَﺎﺭَﺳُﻮْﻝَ ﺍﻟﻠﻪﷺ

  9. eGenius - Learn & Earn With Me Online January 4, 2020 at 3:25 pm #

    Thanks Neil! Always giving useful info

  10. Edwin Dearborn January 4, 2020 at 3:42 pm #

    Love it. It would be great if you could publish checklists on the actions to implement, with resources added.

  11. wc tech team January 4, 2020 at 3:43 pm #

    I couldnt agree more on image crousle its just super effective m looking forward to add in my webiste..catchy sub-heading and a crousal below… How it would be neil? Is it a good idea?

  12. Joe smith January 4, 2020 at 4:17 pm #

    Hey Neil thanks for the tips my friend

  13. Dr Gonzalo Diaz, Ultrasound January 4, 2020 at 4:32 pm #

    Thank you Neil! This is very important to keep in mind

  14. safezoneprimer January 4, 2020 at 4:50 pm #

    I have started implementing these tactics. Thank you for the video

  15. Curl January 4, 2020 at 4:56 pm #

    What do I need to do to increase my domain authority?

  16. Curl January 4, 2020 at 4:57 pm #

    To rank for a specific country should I translate my whole website in a sub domain with there native language?

  17. Kindra Foster January 4, 2020 at 5:37 pm #

    Do you find that clients resist paying for quality content? How do you overcome this when there are $10 articles available out there?

  18. Ryan King January 4, 2020 at 5:55 pm #

    What specifically did you use for that drop down segmentation menu on your site? PS I love it

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