When you live stream for two days but it turns into two weeks, and then a month, you know something is going on. In this video, I share the results of what has happened after starting to go live on YouTube back in March 2020. Since then, at the time this video publishes, I'll have gone live for 44 days in a row, so the numbers (income and views) shared in this video are likely even higher at this point.
To check out my morning show, visit: – and make sure to subscribe to the channel!
Going live for this many days in a row has been a massive challenge, but there have been so many great opportunities that have come as a result. If you're looking to go live, and you'd like to know more about my setup, check out these videos below:
The Best Live Streaming Software for Mac:
Ecamm Software for Live Streaming:
The Video, Audio and Lighting Equipment I Use to Live Stream with (and budget options, too):
Zoom Fails: How NOT to look like a fool on a Webcam:
7 Not-So-Obvious Ways to Get People to Like You:
To see the Income Stream Clips YouTube channel, check that out here:
Big shout out and thanks to Mike and Izabela from Music Radio Creative for creating the theme song for #TheIncomeStream. You can find them at
And most of all, big thanks to the #Quaranteam who has been showing up to my live streams every morning! I hope you'll join me too – get your business and entrepreneurship related questions answered, get your website reviewed, join the community, and let's have some fun and take our mind off of all the crazy out there!
Subscribe to the channel, and make sure you check out #TheIncomeStream every morning at 8am PT at
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple of podcasts that I personally host (with over 65 million combined downloads) that will help you on your online business journey:
The Smart Passive Income Podcast:
AskPat (these are real life business coaching calls):
Also, have you thought about starting your own podcast? Check out my famous podcasting tutorial here on YouTube, the #1 podcasting tutorial on the platform:
The podcasting equipment I use:
My video and live streaming equipment:
Also, follow me at these places below and say hi!
Personal site:
Cheers, and as always, #teamflynnforthewin
I LOVE relying on the 11am Income Streams by Pat. It’s nice to have something to depend on every day during these times. I have learned so much and I love the comraderie among the regulars.
Thanks for going LIVE every day and bringing such an Awesome Community together! #QuaranTeam for the WIN
Your Show is my NEW Morning Habit!
Thanks 4 Permission to share where WE are Going LIVE — Doing a Weekly Show from this NEW @CoachDeb YouTube Channel: ShareThisChannel.com
2:18 BAHAHA Love your sense of humor @Pat Flynn
Thanks for making us ALL Smile through all of this
11:56 Income Stream Theme Song = who ELSE is now addicted to the tune?
oooh where’d ya get the boo-boo @PAt Flynn ?
6:42 just noticed the cute band-aid — was this from going LIVE every day?
((just looking for Proof that it IS in fact Dangerous
Pure Awesome Sauce. You are one of the only people that I HAVE TO watch every single video from. Luv you Pat. <3 You are the reason I decided to do my own channel again.
it’s been beautiful to witness my man.
Thank you, Pat, for streaming every day. Such an inspiration during these hard times
Yay! I love the income stream. Always great ideas. Lots of great coaching and inspiration. Great place to be in the morning.
The Daily Live Show from the Income Stream has been truly an asset for my professional development. I have learned so much every day from the website reviews and the Q&A . Most of all the support of all the audience of entrepreneurs and business owners has been the biggest benefit! Thank you Pat!
Lives have been so great and there’s an awesome community. Truly appreciate all that Pat does to help others.
Oh man! the cuts on the theme song were awesome! So glad I’m apart of the stream [usually as kwalkomedy/1]
We all are having to adapt to how the world has changed. Participating in Pat’s live streams while working from home has been a surprise benefit. Imagine what progress you could make if you found one thing to take action on each day. Perhaps your 1 thing is to try going live.
LOVE all your comments right after the show, summarizing key points with time stamps. SUPER Helpful!
CoachDeb Thanks Coach Deb. I’m happy to hear that it’s helpful. I’ve used them myself going back days to share something that became relevant later.
This is sincerely incredible. Not only am I now leveled with Ellen, but SO MUCH has happened in the past 6 weeks. My 3 websites are completely overhauled – one for my real business, one for where my customers send their patients to and one for my photography side-gig (that has majorly switched gears in a profound way). What happens in these Live Streams is that you just sit there and all kinds of positive vibes somehow come through the computer screen and cause some wheels to spin that weren’t even there before (or were stuck in reverse or something). So many ideas from Pat and from those in the Chat who are all striving in the same exact way. I even randomly hum the Income Stream theme song around the house; which might be an area of concern, but I think I’m OK. Maybe the #1 thing gained so far was in one of the first, maybe the first, session where Pat said to “Be true to yourself.” right at a time when I was seriously considering leaving my 28+ year Independent Medical Device Rep company to go back to the corporate world. Being true to myself would maybe be not going back and with that thought in mind some great things somehow automatically happened with all three of the companies that I represent; and in all three cases were founded in serving others in extraordinary ways. I think that’s it, but it’s been a ragingly positive thing. For those who are new to all of this, if it helps – It took me awhile to get my head around YouTube, Affiliate Marketing, etc., but I’d say that you’re at the right place to learn how to do it right. It’s not easy and takes A LOT to get all systems in place. Then, once in place there’s constant updating and learning, but being difficult actually makes it a lot easier. It would be so much more difficult if everyone was doing it. And I will not give up until on The Ellen Show; and even then I won’t give up.
BRAVO!!! Great channel you’ve got!
Love how Pat’s inspired you during this time. I think we can all relate. Here’s to the #EllenShow
@CoachDeb And your coaching. Would do a joint-appearance on Ellen.
This has been part of my regular morning routine during the lockdown. I was here! Thank you. Because of this new routine I made new friends through the Slack channel.
yes! Same! although I still need to join the Slack channel — is there an invite to share privately?
Your Podcast has encouraged me to increase my Social Media presence and do a youtube channel. The information and details you provide behind the scenes about equipment and what it takes to continue this opportunity has helped me tremendously. I listened to your podcast in 2009 when I was laid off from IBM and it was encouraging to know there were other streams of income available. I wasn’t ready to do anything at that time.
Pat, you’re such an awesome role model and inspiration, and you make the advice and suggestions readily understandable and helpful to your audience. That’s why you attract so many people to the #Quaranteam and #TeamFlynn – THANK YOU from the UK!
Wow Pat, so many takeaways for me! Good point on consistency & community! Like how you played around during your theme song! It was cool to hear how your “giving out” during the stream just fuels you for your nx task(s). Felt this was well produced to showcase to others what you and The Income Stream are about. I have enjoyed the streams as they have been 1 of the best things for me since being in quarantine!

I watch the live stream everyday and value bombs are just awesome… especially yesterday when pat reviewed by cute website LOL.. THANKS PAT! Btw its every 11pm to 12am here in the Philippines
Bravo for tuning in at the midnight hour
loved your website review
looking forward to seeing the changes
I love the Income Stream! Awesome show, entertaining and super value after every time! Started to play with going live with StreamYard once a week. Played with StreamLabs but am still learning how that works with Windows and multiplatform streaming.
Awesome stuff here, Pat!
Since the quarantine started, I’ve been livestreaming every Tuesday at 3 PM ET and Friday at 5 PM ET on all things trucking/fleet management. The Tuesday shows are live call-in shows where anyone can call in and talk to us about trucking (or whatever), and the Friday ones are admin-focused demos with live Q&As at the end.
It’s a bit of a niche, but we’re trying to put up as much useful content as possible for anyone in trucking or fleet management.
Joy @ Fleet Nav Systems