What you do with your podcast audio files after you record is almost as important as the recording itself. *** Download my free Podcast Cheat Sheet:
You’ve recorded the audio file for your first podcast episode. Now what?
In this video, we talk about what happens AFTER you record your episode: exporting it into an MP3 file and tagging it with the correct ID3 tags.
I’ll guide you in how to pick the right output quality for your MP3 file, so you can strike the perfect balance between audio quality and file size.
We also talk about how to make your audio levels sound more consistent using a tool called Levelator.
This is the third in a series of 6 podcasting tutorial videos to help you get your podcast up and running, so make sure to watch the first 2 videos if you haven't already!
Resources Mentioned in this Video:
Building an email list? Watch my latest video: "How to Get More Email Subscribers (17 Lead Magnet Ideas)":
Truly brilliant. You have helped me no end.
Outstanding and detailed tutuorial video…had it split screen as I was following along…tagging the file was key, I know excellent for SEO and I’ll make sure to send you a link to my show once I get a few more episodes “in the can”…much love…keep on rockin!
We love your channel photo, man!
So although I took copious notes, I mixed up steps and delted “podcast” track early…I have exported file 5 x in to same file structure as you suggested, but it’s not showing up…any thoughts?
So glad I found this again! For some reason, I thought I had seen this in Cliff’s tutorials, but could not for the life of me figure out which one! I was looking for how to convert to the MP3 from Audacity. I knew I had seen it done… Just had the wrong source in mind
BTW, LOVE the SPI podcast. Finally got caught up on it
And just read Let Go last week. Thanks for all you do, Pat!
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Hey there – I’ve uploaded my MP3 to Itunes after dragging it through levelator. Wondering why I don’t get “Podcast” as an option under genre. I picked Spoken Word and then selected the Options Tab and selected Podcast there. Do you know why I can’t see Podcast in the genre selection?
pat – if you make a video response with the previous video and the next video it will be easier for people to find and click – also this helps with your youtube ranks
Thank you SOOOOOO much for making this so easy to understand – you are such a great teacher!
Just wondering why you are making an AIFF version from an mp3 file?
OK, I finally found a newer version of Levelator and was able to download it and use. Thanks!
For those looking for how Pat does the tagging (ID3 tags) skip forward to 16:14
thank you thank you thank you!
I’m just getting started with my podcast. There has GOT to be an easier way to upload a podcast! lol. You’ve been so very helpful though, Pat. Thanks.
Noticed this was from a few years back. Any updated way to do this?
Awesome tips. I’m converting my vlogs into podcasts to increase my audience and have found this info really helpful. Best take away was on the Levelator tool! Thanks a bunch!
@Claire Smith for the ones I’ve done so far it great. Are you podcasting?
Thank you for this series, Pat. This segment was particularly helpful for guidance regarding the metadata. Cheers!
THANK YOU! This was perfect. I love that you talk fast, make your point, move on to the next thing. Wonderful. So helpful.
thank you for helping us learn how to make podcast you rock man!!!
Watching these in 2017 and they’re still SO helpful. Thank you!