This one Chrome extension will boost your rankings. You don't have to be a SEO genius to optimize your site for Google, you just need to use tools out there that are at your fingertips. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ But there's an issue. Even if you have the tools out there, over time, […]
Tag Archives | neil patel
8 Things That Are RUINING Your eCommerce Sales
Hey what are the things that you need to do to make things work? And what are the things that are going to hurt your e-commerce store? Today, I'm going to go over a few things that I've tried and tested and hacked, that you can use to start improving your conversions and recover thousands […]
5 Free Tools that Will Help You Rank #1 on Google
Five free tools that'll help you rank number one on Google. When I started out in the SEO industry, everything was manual. But luckily for you, you don't have to go through the same pain as me. There are five tools that'll help you rank number one. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Subscribers: Google Search Console: […]
5 Free Resources to Learn Digital Marketing
Five free resources to learn digital marketing. You don't need a college degree to learn digital marketing, and you don't want to have to spend $1000 on courses when you don't need to. You can learn it for free. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ Resource number 1: Neil Patel Training Center, With the […]
Learn SEO in Just 5 Minutes a Day
Learn SEO in just five minutes a day. My company NP Digital was the 21st fastest-growing company in the United States according to INC Magazine. And SEO is one of the biggest reasons for my success and that company's success. It allows you to get traffic, leads and sales without paying an arm and leg. […]
This is the best way to hit your revenue goals
This is the best way to hit your revenue goals. Since I start out as an entrepreneur, I've had five co-founders. And in my latest company, NP Digital, I now have 700 employees, and I'll probably be close to 900 employees by the end of the year. I've learned something over the years. RESOURCES & […]
Kylie Jenner is a Genius For This
Kylie Jenner is a genius for this. Whether you love or hate the Kardashians, you have to admit they've done an amazing job with their marketing. Let's look at Kylie Jenner. She has over 330 million Instagram followers, 40 million Twitter followers, 33 million Facebook fans, 38 million TikTok followers that have produced over 484 […]
The Hack That Led Me to Build the 21st Fastest Growing Company
The hack that led me to build the 21st fastest-growing company in the United States. According to INC Magazine, I built the 21st fastest-growing company in the United States. What's amazing is we did that within four years. We now have over 700 employees, and we'll double in size within two years. Now, this company […]
Lazy Marketers Tend to be Amazing
Lazy marketers tend to be amazing. I have over 700 people working at my ad agency NP Digital. Within the next 12 months, I'll probably hire another 300 plus employees. Over the years, I've hired over 2000 people. That's a lot of people, and I've learned that some of the best markers tend to be […]
One Quick Hack to Rank #1 of Google
Quick hack to rank number one on Google. Have you ever hit up a website and asked them to link to you? They probably ignored you. Random sites won't link to you, but you need these links to rank higher. And if you can't get them you're pretty much going to struggle to rank really […]