Tag Archives | neil patel

7 Underrated Marketing Lessons

7 Underrated Marketing Lessons

Seven underrated marketing lessons. I've been doing marketing for over 20 years and I've learned a lot of lessons in that time. Some of the lessons are obvious and others are not so much. What's funny is the lessons that most people don't think are important, in other words, the underrated ones, are usually the […]

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How to Drive More Sales from Instagram

How to Drive More Sales from Instagram

How to drive more sales from Instagram. Did you know that Instagram has over a billion users according to Statista? Now just think about how many sales you are generating from Instagram. I bet you're generating a tiny amount of sales from Instagram, if not realistically, zero sales. So how do you change that? Well, […]

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Top 5 Favorite SEO Hacks

Top 5 Favorite SEO Hacks

Top five favorite SEO hacks. To win, you have to think outside the box. If you just do what everyone else is doing, you won't win, that is especially true with SEO. Here are my five favorite SEO hacks that are out of the box. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ calculator.net: CodeCanyon: Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ Hack one, […]

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7 Nifty Marketing Tactics to Deploy Now

7 Nifty Marketing Tactics to Deploy Now

Seven nifty marketing tactics to deploy now. You heard of all the standard marketing tactics like SEO and paid ads, or even using email marketing. But everyone's already doing that. And if you're not, you should make sure you do it. Check out my ad agency NP digital where we help with those tactics plus […]

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The Easiest Way to Make a WordPress Blog SEO Friendly

The Easiest Way to Make a WordPress Blog SEO Friendly

The easiest way to make a WordPress blog SEO-friendly. Believe it or not, WordPress is pretty SEO-friendly out of the box. If you want to make it more SEO-friendly, you just have to use plugins like Yoast SEO or All In One. But you already know that. Here's what no one tells you. The main […]

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My 7 Favorite Social Media Tools (That Are Free)

My 7 Favorite Social Media Tools (That Are Free)

My seven favorite social media tools that are free. Do you know what the second, third, fourth and fifth most popular website have in common in this world? Let me give you a hint. It's YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. What they all have in common is they're all social websites. Social media is popular. […]

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7 Actionable SEO Tips That Are Easy to Implement

7 Actionable SEO Tips That Are Easy to Implement

Do you want to know why it takes so long for people to see results from their SEO? Well, there are two main reasons. The first is, it just takes time for things to kick in and algorithms to adjust. You can't really control that, that's just Google, right? You can't really speed that up, […]

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NP Digital interview Forrester’s Performance Marketing Specialist

NP Digital interview Forrester’s Performance Marketing Specialist

Hey there, welcome to this special keynote conversation at NP Digital's Virtual Summit 2022. You know, according to a Forrester Survey earlier this year, brands are funneling more dollars into performance channels in pursuit of maximum return in advertising spend. In fact, more than 60% of B2C marketing decision makers plan to increase their paid […]

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How to Get 1,000 Followers a Week on Instagram Organically

How to Get 1,000 Followers a Week on Instagram Organically

How to get 1,000 followers a week on Instagram, organically? Whether you love Meta as a company or hate them, you can deny Instagram's popularity. According to Statista, there are over 1 billion Instagram users. This means, as a marketer, it's a great place to get in touch with your ideal customers. But here's the […]

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