The dirty little secret about social media marketing. I've been doing social media marketing for a long time, so long that I used to do marketing when there was MySpace. Do you remember that company? It was around before Facebook. And I also have a ad agency, NP Digital, where we employ over 700 marketers and we have over 500 companies that we work with around the world, including social media marketing as one of the services we provide. So I see a lot of data. I've experienced a lot myself, and I'm constantly learning from my team as well. But no matter what guru you talk to or who you follow, no one can really help you get a million engaged followers or help you be the next Kylie Jenner. It's a lot of hit and miss.
The only way to really do well is purely through experimentation. You have to push out a lot of different content and do it consistently to figure out what works for you. See, I'm not a male model. I can't take off my shirt and flex and get tons of likes like David Gandy. And I can't record a video of me dancing like Julianne or Derek Hough because I can't dance like them. And I can't sing like Justin Bieber either. In essence, you have to leverage your own X factor. So what is that X factor that everyone is going to love? You won't know until you experiment. So here's what you should do.
First, post content at least once a day. Ideally, you should be posting content at least three times a day. And when you post your content, don't just focus on one social network. Use all the major ones, from TikTok to Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Snap. You'll quickly learn the type of content that works for each social network.
Second, post all the main content types at least once a week. So in this case, you would try text-based content at least once a week, videos at least once a week, quotes at least once a week, images at least once a week. You also want to go live once a week or even try stories. You get the point.
The type of content that you can post is endless. You can even try riding the wave of a popular meme. You won't be able to test out every content type out there in one week, but you can rotate through them and figure out what your audience likes and, more importantly, what they don't like.
When you do something long enough, you'll get better at it. And over time, your account will just grow. Again, you just have to be patient. You will have to kickstart your growth. If you don't have many friends, it'll be a slow start. But if you spend even a few hundred dollars on ads or you cross-promote your account with another user to help you get more followers, even if you have to pay that other user, it will all help you kickstart the process.
Don't just focus purely on follower count either. You want the right type of audience. If you have followers that never buy anything from you, it just won't matter. So to sum it up, no one really knows how to make you Insta famous or social media famous. It's a lot of trial and error, but just keep creating good content that people will love. So start running the experiments today. If you don't, you won't get the results that you're looking for.
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Kentucky In The House !
Woop woop!
Thank you
You’re welcome
Hey neil, should internal link be open in new tab or not? I heard that opening in new tab increases page views but also increases bounce rate.
No, internal links shouldn’t open in new tab. Only external links
How can I tell what type of content (blogging, videos, ect) is working best?
By testing
It’s going to be different for every market audience.
Hey Neil i am really confused choosing my career i really don’t know where should I focus
I’d choose a specialty and master it
Then expand over time.
@Neil Patel you mean for now focus on a niche and master it right?
What’s the dirty secret?
Watch and see
@Neil Patel I commented after watching. I must have missed it, it was only about split testing platforms and styles to s see what gets traction.
@AberrantArt Dirty secret – No guru can tell what will work for you. Do your experiments.
@ajaib singh that is evident. I guess the title was just clickbait. Thanks for clarifying.
Thanks Neil! I’ve been a follower of your amazing content for at least 15 years! I had a successful blog way back when because of your tips! I stopped working online for years and now I’m back, boy have things changed. The one thing that hasn’t changed is that I still look to you for marketing advise. Thank you!
I’m honored
Thank you for the kind words, Allie!
Super helpful!!! Thank you !!
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you Neil! this makes so much sense. It’s really all about being yourself, good writing and authenticity – that’s it
thank you! can you talk about the sandbox and how to get out of it?
Thanks for the suggestion!
But what do I do if I want to work with your agency
You definitely can if you want to
amazing Neil, I will start your suggest
Please do!
Thank you for your great tips! I am noticing a ton of growth in my business and I credit it to you! Keep it up
Fantastic! Glad you’re seeing growth
That’s my goal!
Hey Neil, what are the best URL shorteners for social media sites for marketing? is a good one
I think I like this video
Thank you!
Really helpful tips to become active on social media. Thank you Neil Patel.
My pleasure!
Hey How to learn if I am not expertise in language such as english…
Are there relevant courses in your language?
Amazing Information On Social Media Marketing Sir.
Thank you!