The easiest way to get clients for your ad agency. It's funny, everyone thinks it's easy for me to close business. Even with a brand, it's never easy. You always have to work hard to close deals. And when I started off, it was even harder, because I didn't have a brand or the experience. Yeah, I still got to where I am today because I was able to close deals early on, and I continually use that money to reinvest.
So if you have a agency, today I'm going to share with you a strategy that's worked for me when I was starting out, and it still works today. It'll take you some work, but if you put in the energy, you will close deals. Best of all, you don't need any sales skills. Instead, you just have to share your marketing skills or whatever you're good at and your agency focus on.
So let me break down what I mean, how you can close new business. Oh, and I forget to mention, it works no matter what country you live in, and you don't need any money to do it. Have you hear of the site called Crunchbase? It's a site that breaks down all the venture-funded companies. It tells you who their investors are, the founders, how much money they even raise.
Now what I want you to do is look for companies and websites on Crunchbase that recently raise millions of dollars, all the way up to 20 million. You don't want to look for sites that raise more than $20 million. Like, if someone raised $100 million, this strategy just doesn't work for too large of corporations. Or, if it does work, it's a very slim chance. But with smaller ones, it works extremely well. And what you want to do is tear down everything that they're doing wrong from a marketing or a design perspective, or whatever services your agency offers. That is what I want you to focus with that that teardown.
So if you offer paid ad management, then you would tear down their website from a paid ad perspective. And if they don't do paid ads, you would talk to them about how they're missing a big opportunity and what results they could expect if they were doing paid ads.
If you offer conversion rate optimization services, break down how they can improve their conversion rates. If you offer design services, break down how they can make their website more usable. You get the point. But the key is to be very specific in your teardown. You have to use screenshots, break down solutions, and no, your solutions can't be hire me. You literally have to tell them how to fix everything step-by-step, even if they decide to do it on their own without paying you. The more specific you get, the better this strategy will work.
Now what I want you to do is email off a few of the investors and founders that you find. Be kind, of course, with your email, but talk about your findings, what they're doing wrong, and how they can grow faster. If you can't find people's email address, use, as this will show you people's email address if you put their domain name in.
And that's really it. All you have to do is send off that email. And at the bottom of the email, let them know, hey, if you just want me to fix all of this for you, I'm happy, willing to work with you. And when you're doing this, the reason I said you need to send it off to investors and the founder, if you send the email off to both the investors and the founder in the same thread, there's a good chance that they will respond, much higher than if you just email the founder alone, from what I tested.
And as a bonus, if you have the extra time, record it, right? Do this teardown in a video, do screen recordings. It converts even better. Requires a little bit more work, but it converts better. And once you do this, you'll find that the fraction of the people that you email will convert, typically one out of every four and five emails, assuming your teardown's good and you're emailing people, you know, really solid step-by-step instructions that they can just implement on their own.
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Great idea! I immediately thought about doing this in video format!
Yes me too!
It would definitely be more effective if you sent a video. It would get them to trust you more, plus it stands out from all the emails they’re already getting
Also I just subbed to you:) our niches overlap a bit, I’m open to collaborating if you are!
Go for it!
Great strategy! I’m going to do one today!
You can do it!
Do I need a media presence?
No, a lot of people who I work with get clients without getting their site up or social media presence. It may just take a bit more work to get the person to know, like, and trust you before they pull out their credit card. Good luck!
Yes that’s helpful
I get clients from my YouTube channel. It’s a myth that you need thousands of subs and views before you can start making money. It’s all about creating an irresistible offer and creating the automated systems that bring leads to you on autopilot. People really overcomplicate this whole process and hire expensive ad agencies
Couldn’t agree more
Great strategy. When I started in digital marketing, I offered free website analysis in return for testimonials. It brought people in. I would give them a video. A large portion would ask me to do the work I recommended.
Thanks for sharing! That’s a great example
Thanks for sharing this amazing idea
This strategy is very popular, but I never tried it. In my niche there is very little room for companies to get funded as a result there are lack of clients, but I’ll definitely give a try to this strategy.
Let me know how it goes
How to get clients as Digital marketing specialist personally not for agency
Promote your services online!
Thanks Neil!
You’re welcome!
This man is a legend
You’re too kind
You are giving golden nuggets here for free, mad respect Neil!
What is formet of first email,Should we describe our whole plan in first mail or take permission to send him a business proposal then we should describe our plan.
I’d try to get a call or response before sending the plan
Super Information Sir.
Thank you!
Whats a good Email Subject line to their attention? I was thinking “I found errors on your site”….would love to hear what worked!
That’s a good one!
Thanks bro
Literally no value in this video
I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it, friend! Thanks for the feedback.
High Quality…again!
would you recommend the agency owner learning the specific ad skill or outsource to fulfill after landing a client
Outsourcing it