
How To Use Social Media Effectively

According to a survey conducted in the United States a stunning 90% of businesses were active in some way on social media in 2017. Facebook alone, has close to 1 billion users, equal to the total population of India, all over the globe. The world has progressed to the point where everyone wants everything right […]

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Here's What You Need to Outrank Your Competition

Here’s What You Need to Outrank Your Competition

No matter what you type in on Google your competition's ranking at the top. How do you beat your competition? What do you really need to do so you can outrank them? because if you can, your business would explode. Today I'm going to break down what you need to do to outrank your competition. […]

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How Taking Action Can Get You Leads

Instead of waiting for leads to come to you, go to them! Many people just build an opt-in page or a squeeze page and wait for leads to sign-up or reach out to them – so instead of waiting for people to find your store and buy from you – actively go out and find […]

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How to Create Repeat Customers Using Future-Use Coupons

How can you encourage customers to make their second, third, and fourth purchase with you? How can you entice them to keep coming back and buying from you, changing them from a once off customer to a regular? Future-use coupons are one great strategy to employ to incentivize customers to make that next buy. So […]

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Do You Really Need High Domain Authority Links?

Do You Really Need High Domain Authority Links?

I might add agency, Neil Patel, digital. We constantly get clients telling us I need a lot of high domain authority links. People are asking for this left and right. And everyone believes that you need that to rank at the top of Google and those are the only kinds of links you need. Today […]

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The time I almost lost everything...

The time I almost lost everything…

I almost lost it all. In one of the craziest, scariest, most gut-wrenching times I've ever had as an entrepreneur and I almost went to jail! I may look like a success story now, but the truth is there are lots of ups and downs we face as entrepreneurs before we "make it" and in […]

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What Should Be In A Good Blog Post And Why

It would not be wrong to say that people’s interest in blogging has hit the highest point in recent years. Some people believe that blogs are dying, but more accurate they’re evolving. Make no mistake, blogs are here to stay, but they’re more competitive than ever. With social media, freelancing, and SEO becoming widely used […]

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