How Taking Action Can Get You Leads

Instead of waiting for leads to come to you, go to them! Many people just build an opt-in page or a squeeze page and wait for leads to sign-up or reach out to them – so instead of waiting for people to find your store and buy from you – actively go out and find […]

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How To Unban Your Banned Facebook Advertising Account

There is nothing more frustrating than going to run a Facebook ad and seeing it disapproved or banned completely. Even worse is when Facebook deactivates your ads account as a whole. People experience this with their business and personal accounts all the time. It can be devastating, especially if you can’t get back online. Still, […]

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How to Increase Your Conversions With This Simple Trick

There’s many strategies to increase conversions, but have you tried this one? Try ending your prices with a 7, .95, 5 or .95. Instead of charging $10, for instance, consider charging $9.97. Even though it’s only a few cents less, people seem to think that it sounds cheaper. Even on high priced items the same […]

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Why Title Tags are Important for Ranking Your Website

Anyone who owns a website and publishes original content on it wants to see the site ranked higher on Google and other search engines. While many may believe that writing a top-quality piece of content, publishing it, and promoting it is enough to make the website successful, it is certainly not. In this era of […]

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How To Use Social Media Effectively

According to a survey conducted in the United States a stunning 90% of businesses were active in some way on social media in 2017. Facebook alone, has close to 1 billion users, equal to the total population of India, all over the globe. The world has progressed to the point where everyone wants everything right […]

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