What is Lead Generation? Over the years, the techniques and strategies of the marketing of business have evolved a lot. Lead generation has become an essential phenomenon in marketing. It is the process of attracting potential customers to your products and services via social media platforms, email updates, and strong word-of-mouth. A lead is considered […]
Pricing Strategies to Increase Your Sales
How can you price your product in a way that psychologically impacts your customer into believing they’re getting a great deal? When people see the difference, between your normal price and your sales price, it influences their decision to purchase. By having a “normal” price listed it creates the impression that the deal they are […]
How to Show Value and Position Your Price to Encourage Customers to Buy
One way to show value and highlight the great price you’re offering your customers is to point out when you are giving a discount or savings, as this lets customers know you’re giving them a great deal and lots of value. A discount also has a psychological effect – we feel we are getting a […]
How Listening to Your Clients Wants and Needs Can Help You Land More Sales
Business owners often do more talking than listening. When it comes to making sales, often it’s best to do more listening than talking. Instead of overthinking and brainstorming what your prospects might want, why not just ask them? You’d probably be surprised at how easy it can be to sell them what they’re already telling […]
How to Increase Your Prices and Boost Your Business’s Profits
People often overlook this very simple, very easy way to increase their business’s profits: increase your prices. Most people tend to undercharge for their services, so try increasing your prices, as a test, and see what happens. Funnily enough, most people perceive something that is higher priced as being of higher quality, which can encourage […]
How To Reach Out To Local Business Leads
For many people, their businesses are their primary source of income and the way they provide for their families. In order for a business to continue generating a steady source of income, and to grow, a business needs to seek new clients. Anyone who’s been in business for a day can tell you how competitive […]
A Unique Way to Increase Your Customers Spend Per Sale: The Value of Offering A Gift With Purchase
Offering a free gift, with a purchase over a certain amount (or just with any particular item), is a great way to encourage people to buy from you, but also to spend more per sale if they have to spend a certain limit. A great way to take this strategy a step further is to […]
How to Convert More Sales By Using The Power of A Guarantee
Offering a guarantee is a great way to make it easier for customers to buy. It takes the risk out of the purchase for them, as it gives them an out if they don’t like the product. Psychologically, it also gives them confidence in your product – as why would you be offering a guarantee […]
Why You Need Content For Your Site And Social Media?
There is no doubt about the fact that unique and attractive content is an essential part of your website and social media profiles. Excellent content, along with a well-thought out social media marketing strategy, will help your website stand out in the crowd and attract more users to your brand. Initially, it may seem a […]
How Going For The “Big Fish” Deals Can Increase Your Business
Too often business owners try to fight over the scraps. They try to make deals or land sales with anyone and everyone that they can find, regardless of if those deals are barely worth any money to them. It’s amazing what can happen when you try to go for the bigger clients or choose bigger […]