Google has over 3000 algorithm changes that they release each and every single year. That's a lot of algorithm changes. You already know SEO changes so frequently because of the number of algorithm changes that Google releases. Now sure, most of them are small but these large ones can have a massive shift in your […]
Tag Archives | what is seo
How to Rank For 1000s of Keywords Using Google Search Console
Today I'm going to teach you how to rank for thousands of keywords using Google Search Console. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: ____________________________________________ So the first thing I want you to do is to log into Google Search Console, it should look something like this and what I want you to do is click on […]
Welcome to the Content Marketing Unlocked! – Free Content Marketing Course with Neil Patel
I'm excited to announce another course; content marketing unlocked. This course is going to teach you how to grow your traffic through content marketing. It works for all different types of business, doesn't matter if you're B2B, B2C, e-commerce, services, consulting, freelancer, it doesn't matter what industry you're in, you can use content marketing to […]
Introduction to SEO and Why It’s Important – SEO Unlocked – Free SEO Course with Neil Patel
This is the second lesson of my free SEO course called SEO Unlocked. Today I’m going to be going over SEO and why it’s important. Did you know that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine? You may think, “All right, there are these search engines out there.” “Yeah, sure we know Google.” […]
How to Design A Beautiful Homepage That Ranks on Google – The Non-Designer’s Guide
How do you make your homepage more SEO friendly? You know that hey, for a lot of keywords, content pages tend to do better, but does that mean that your homepage can't rank for anything? Of course not. Today I'm going to teach you how to design a beautiful home page that ranks on Google. […]
The #1 Biggest SEO Mistake Nearly Everyone Makes | Avoid This At All Costs
Nearly everyone who's trying to compete in SEO makes this mistake. They fail miserably because what they're doing is nearly impossible to achieve. And yet, most people think that it's the right approach. Today, I'm going to teach you the number one biggest SEO mistake nearly everyone makes and you should avoid at all costs. […]
How to Win on SEO Without Spending Money – The Penniless Marketer Full Strategy
How much does it cost to do SEO? The truth is you don't need any money. In order to get traffic through SEO, all you need is a bit of sweat equity, invest the time and effort in your business so you can start reaping rewards. Do you want to learn how? Today I'm going […]
8 Things To Master in SEO – Do You Know Them?
People really overthink and over-complicate SEO. But if I had to break it down to the bare minimum essentials that you need to master in order to get SEO, it wouldn't be a lot. Today I'm going to break down eight things to master in SEO. Do you know them? RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ The […]
5 Dumbest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make With Their SEO
5 Dumbest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make With Their SEO | Entrepreneurs are great at solving problems and giving life to ideas. But when it comes to SEO, I've seen them make some of the biggest mistakes that cost them hundreds, even if not, thousands of dollars and sometimes even millions of dollars. Some of these guys […]
5 Industries That Are Getting Crushed by Google in their SEO
Google is becoming more strict each and every single day when it comes to certain industries. The kind of information related to these industries can have a lasting impact on people's lives and Google doesn't want to be guilty of people consuming bad information when it comes to sensitive areas in their lives. Today I'm […]