Archive | Blogging

The Anatomy Of A Perfect SEO Campaign | Neil Patel

The Anatomy Of A Perfect SEO Campaign | Neil Patel

I go over all these tips and tactics in these videos like content marketing, link building, but how do you integrate them into a SEO campaign? It's kind of confusing, right? Today I'm going to share with you the anatomy of a perfect SEO campaign. Not only am I going to end up breaking down […]

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7 Marketing Tools That’ll Instantly Boost Your Traffic | Neil Patel

7 Marketing Tools That’ll Instantly Boost Your Traffic | Neil Patel

You want traffic. You don't have the time to make all the changes and all the tips that I'm giving. You want a quicker solution. Well, I have one for you today. Today I'm going to share with you seven marketing tools that'll get you more traffic instantly. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest: Mailchimp: Subscribers: […]

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The Secret to Making Paid Advertising Work

The Secret to Making Paid Advertising Work

Google and Facebook combined generate more money from ad dollars than any television channel out there. They're huge. That means paid advertising works, because if it didn't, they wouldn't be making hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Today I'm going to share with you the secret to making paid advertising work. RESOURCES & LINKS: […]

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