
How to Create Repeat Customers Using Future-Use Coupons

How can you encourage customers to make their second, third, and fourth purchase with you? How can you entice them to keep coming back and buying from you, changing them from a once off customer to a regular? Future-use coupons are one great strategy to employ to incentivize customers to make that next buy. So […]

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Top 5 Best FREE WEBSITES to Learn a New Marketing Skill

Top 5 Best FREE WEBSITES to Learn a New Marketing Skill

The top five free websites to learn a new marketing skill. Before the pandemic, a lot of businesses were still in a position of completely ignoring online or digital marketing. And they just relied on foot traffic of people walking by the store. But once a pandemic started in lots of countries, they decided to […]

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How Focusing on the Benefits of Your Offer Can Help Convert Sales

So how can focusing on the benefits of your offer increase your sales? It’s a marketing technique that encourages customers to focus on the end result that your product will give them, which is a powerful motivator to encourage customers to buy. Your offer will have features (specifications) and benefits (the end result). In your […]

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10 Ways I Make Millions in Passive Income

10 Ways I Make Millions in Passive Income

I reveal 10 ways I currently generate passive income online. Been doing this since 2008 after getting laid off, and the idea of generating income without directly trading time for dollars is real and is possible, however PASSIVE income does not happen overnight, and anything or anyone that tells you otherwise is lying. It takes […]

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How to Become a Social Media Manager in 2022

How to Become a Social Media Manager in 2022

How to become a social media manager in 2022. A lot of people ask me this question, but some don't have the slightest idea of what a social man media needs to bring to the table in order to succeed. And trust me, posting those Instagram images, isn't enough. And that's perfectly fine because that's […]

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How to market to B2B Lead

One of the most important things to understand is that leads are far more than just random people who might be interested in your business. A lead is someone who needs what your business has to offer. The only thing you should have to do is capture their attention and easily be able to convince […]

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