Archive | Blogging

How I Stay Ahead of Google Algorithm Updates

How I Stay Ahead of Google Algorithm Updates

How I stay ahead of Google algorithm updates. Have you ever noticed that Google is constantly making algorithm changes? The worst part is that they don't always give you a ton of notice when they finally roll one out. The bottom line is you simply can't afford to ignore Google or the many algorithm updates […]

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My Favorite Keyword Research Strategy

My Favorite Keyword Research Strategy

Want to know how I find keywords that bring me tons of traffic? It's maybe the most important part of nailing your SEO strategy. 68% of online activity starts with a query in a search engine like Google or Bing. Identifying the right word to include in your content is essential. And according to Ubersuggest […]

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Why I Focus on Social Media Marketing Over SEO

Why I Focus on Social Media Marketing Over SEO

Why focus on social media marketing over SEO? You're probably surprised to hear this, after all, I'm mostly known for all things SEO. So why do I focus on social media marketing now? Because I've learned that it's one of the quickest and most effective ways to drive major traffic to any site. That doesn't […]

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The easiest way to get more blog traffic

The easiest way to get more blog traffic

The easiest way to get more blog traffic. If your blog isn't generating traffic, it's not the time to abandon it altogether. Instead, it's time to resuscitate it. There are over a billion blogs out there. How can you expect yours to stand out? Businesses with blogs experience twice as much email traffic as those […]

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